Holistic Health with Genna Nelson

Carrie Scollon is joined by Nutritional Therapist & Health Coach Genna Nelson to explore holistic health: and what it means to look at the whole picture. They touch on topics about prevention, support, and optimization of health. In Genna's work with clients, she looks for clues that drive health symptoms. They discuss, for example, the three key clues for people experiencing fatigue. 1. blood sugar regulation; 2. taking sleep as seriously as nutrition; and 3. the possibility of thyroid and adrenal testing. Genna goes deep with her one on one clients to find the drivers to health and optimize wellness.

If you keep pushing your red flags away.. ignoring the headache, fatigue, the need for more caffeine... they will pop back up in a bigger way.
— Genna Nelson

Find Genna at:

Website: www.gennanelson.com

Follow on INSTAGRAM: @gn.wellness


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